JeetBuzz prioritizes responsible gambling by players.

Responsible Gaming at JeetBuzz

JeetBuzz Bangladesh is committed to responsible gambling by providing users with a safe and balanced entertainment environment. Our responsible gambling policy aims to prevent addiction and provide a positive experience for every player. The website is operated by Aurora Holdings N.V., a company registered at Abraham de Veerstraat 9, Curaçao. The company’s registration number is 157258. We encourage users to read this information carefully for their own safety and comfort.


In this section, the meanings of capitalized terms are defined subject to the conditions below. Definitions remain the same whether words are used in the singular or plural.


Please read key information carefully for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

  • Account: A unique account created to access our service or portions thereof;
  • Company: Refers to Aurora Holdings N.V., also referred to as “Company”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agreement;
  • Service: Refers to the website and the services provided through it;
  • Website: Refers to;
  • You: Refers to the individual user using the service or the company or other legal entity for whose benefit such user accesses the service, if applicable.

Responsible Gambling and Self-Exclusion

For most of our users, gambling is a means of entertainment, recreation, and adrenaline. However, we recognize that for some players, gambling can lead to negative consequences. Pathological gambling addiction has long been recognized as a serious medical condition, and we have been focusing on this problem since day one of our operations.

By “responsible gambling”, we mean a whole set of measures aimed at minimizing the risks associated with gambling and active steps to support those who have already faced difficulties. The main means of preventing the negative consequences of gambling is informing users about the risks and methods of self-control, which helps minimize the likelihood of addiction.

Information and Contact

Our support team is always available to assist you by providing free email consultations. Contact us at, and we will promptly answer all your questions. JeetBuzz Bangladesh Support adheres to strict privacy standards and will not disclose your personal information without your consent.

Helpful Tips for Responsible Gambling

To ensure that gambling remains an enjoyable pastime without negative consequences, JeetBuzz Bangladesh recommends keeping the following tips in mind:

  • Set a deposit limit: Before you start playing, determine the amount you can afford to spend based on your financial situation. Only use funds that are for fun and will not affect your budget;
  • Do not try to win back at all costs: Avoid the urge to risk large sums of money to recover lost money. Remember that gambling should be fun, not a source of income;
  • Set time limits: Set yourself a time limit and stick to it. Make sure that gambling does not replace your other hobbies and does not become your only hobby;
  • Play wisely: Do not gamble if you are under severe stress, depression, or under the influence of medication, drugs, or alcohol;
  • Take breaks: If you feel tired or lose concentration, take a break. This will help you stay focused and avoid making rash decisions;
  • Only one account: For better control of time and money spent on playing, it is advisable to have only one account. This will help you keep track of your spending and play more responsibly.

Protection of Minors

Users must be at least 18 years old to access our services. To prevent minors from accessing, keep your login details secure. We recommend using internet filters to help protect children from unwanted content. Various content filtering programs are available to parents to help limit access to sites with inappropriate content for children.


If you have been diagnosed with a gambling addiction or have decided to abstain from gambling for another reason, JeetBuzz Bangladesh is here to support you in this decision. “Self-exclusion” means that you independently and consciously exclude yourself from accessing our gambling services for a certain period. This process is irreversible for the time chosen, and its purpose is to help you stay away from games that may bring negative consequences.

If you would like to use the self-exclusion service, contact our support team and specify a self-exclusion period between 6 months and 5 years. Our team will explain the next steps and clarify what information you will need; just email

It’s important to remember that self-exclusion remains in effect for the selected period and cannot be canceled for your own safety. During this time, you cannot create new accounts. Any attempt to create a new account during the self-exclusion period is a violation of our Terms of Use and may result in permanent lockout of your primary account.
